Utmaningen Trattbergets vindkraftspark ägs av NTR i Sverige och har en produktionskapacitet på 69 MW. Parken stod inför utmaningar, bland annat förhöjda turbinvibrationer och frekventa larm, särskilt under vintermånaderna. Dessa problem hotade att påverka den långsiktiga tillförlitligheten och driftseffektiviteten, och NTR försökte förstå de grundläggande orsakerna till dessa prestandafluktuationer. Lösningen…
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- Arun Narayanan appointed as RES’ new Chief Digital Officer to lead digital transformation.
- Up to 5% energy yield increases for wind projects with new AeroUp product
RES has strengthened its digital products and solutions offering with the appointment of new hire Arun Narayanan to the role of Chief Digital Officer (CDO) and the launch of a new product into the market with the ability to increase energy yields by up to 5%.
Based in the US, Arun will lead RES’ digital transformation strategy through the development and deployment of innovative new products and solutions. RES is focused on building purposeful, practical technology-based products and solutions to solve customer’s biggest challenges as renewable deployment continues at pace around the world.
His appointment coincides with the launch of AeroUp, a new product from RES, which will be deployed across a portfolio of five wind farms this year. The solution combines both hardware and software enhancements to significantly increase the energy yield of a wind farm by up to 5%. It benefits asset owners and managers with out-of-warranty turbines looking to maximise the value and lifespan of their ageing assets.
Eduardo Medina, RES CEO commented: “RES has always brought innovative solutions to the renewable energy sector and Arun’s experience and passion for digital development will ensure we continue to be at the forefront of the industry with products that offer real value to our customers.
“Being able to harness digital and technology solutions can unlock the potential of customers assets to improve production, reduce operational costs and lower downtime – all of which will accelerate us on the journey to create a future where everyone has access to affordable zero carbon energy.
Arun Narayanan, RES CDO commented: “Renewable energy presents the biggest hope for us to tackle climate change and I am thrilled to be joining the innovative leader in this space. Digital transformation has the potential to improve the effectiveness and reach of renewable energy”
The news follows RES’ recent announcement of its planned acquisition of Ingeteam Service division, which upon completion will make RES the largest renewable energy support services provider in the world with £30bn (~$38bn) of assets under management. In 2022, RES acquired Anemo Analytics to further diversify the types of services and solutions it offers its customers, complementing its existing in-house technical team and leading data-driven software solutions.
Notes to editors:
- Arun Narayanan, previously Chief Data Officer at Anglo American, is well versed in digital transformation, data analytics, platform and product design, development, and delivery. With over 26 years industry experience he has held several executive level roles globally based from the UK, the US, India, and Malaysia.
- Aero up – is an enhancement product which can be retrofitted to existing wind turbine blades to enhance turbine aerodynamics, and when combined with hardware and software enhancement undertaken by RES can positively influencing energy yields up to 5%. Once fully deployed, AeroUp can offer significant enhance to the Net Asset Value (NAV) of any wind farm.
About RES
RES is the world’s largest independent renewable energy company and is active in onshore and offshore wind, solar, energy storage, green hydrogen, transmission and distribution. As an industry innovator for over 40 years, RES has delivered more than 23GW of renewable energy projects across the globe and supports an operational asset portfolio exceeding 12GW worldwide for a large client base. Understanding the unique needs of corporate clients, RES has secured over 1.5GW of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) enabling access to energy at the lowest cost. RES employs over 2,500 passionate people and is active in 14 countries. Visit www.res-group.com
Rachel Anderson
RES Press Office
+44 7795 680 803
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